Tarahumara runners torn between tradition and comfort


The Ciudad Juárez Marathon, in northern Mexico, is known for having an Indigenous category, which attracts runners from the Tarahumara tribe. The group has a long tradition of running long distances while wearing sandals, and have even inspired a trend of barefoot running around the globe. But a new generation of Tarahumaras wants to run in different types of shoes.

Chileans grapple with legacy of 2019 protests 5 years later 


Using literature to help children cope with war and trauma


India-China border dispute impacts semi-nomadic families who depend on the land

Conflict & Justice

Morocco reckons with drought to stave off disaster

Out of Eden Walk: Walking the DMZ

Out of Eden Walk

Kim Jong Un’s destruction of roads and rail links to South Korea this week illustrated the ongoing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. But as National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek discovered while walking there, the demilitarized zone that has divided North from South for 71 years can be a quiet, peaceful stretch of land — and water. He shares his observations with Host Carolyn Beeler.

This 100-year-old synagogue tells a unique story about Jews in Finland 

Sacred Spaces

The Turku Synagogue in Turku, Finland, was built before Jews even had the right to citizenship in Finland. 

Worsened by climate change, Morocco’s 7-year drought threatens food stability

Across much of North Africa, a punishing drought is now entering its seventh year. In Morocco, wheat, a staple of people’s diet, is withering. Livestock are dying. Scientists say climate change is making the normally dry region much drier, and that things will worsen as global temperatures continue to rise. 

US presidential election sees ramped-up rhetoric on border and immigration


Ahead of November’s vote, US presidential candidates are making their last attempts to sell their plans on tackling immigration.

‘To Make the Archives Sing’: Old Jewish Argentinian songs recorded for the first time


Argentine Jewish musicologists Silvia Glocer and Yasmin Garfunkel are on a mission to to preserve and share pieces of Argentina’s Jewish musical heritage with songs that have never been recorded or whose recordings have been lost.

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