man with guide and camels

Out of Eden Walk

Out of Eden Walk: On foot across northern India

Out of Eden Walk

National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek talks about his walk through northern India, where modern farming with high-yield seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, tractors and motorized well pumps have made India self-sufficient in food. But as he tells host Carolyn Beeler, it has come at a cost to the environment, water supply and some traditional ways of life.

Out of Eden Walk: Food to power a walk around the world

Out of Eden Walk

Out of Eden Walk: Walking through unknown Pakistan

Out of Eden Walk

Out of Eden Walk: Walking Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor 

Out of Eden Walk

Out of Eden Walk: Trekking through Uzbekistan

Out of Eden Walk

Out of Eden Walk: The ethos of Kazakhstan

Out of Eden Walk

Not too long after leaving Tbilisi, Georgia, National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek wound up the next leg of his journey: across western Kazakhstan. Salopek met horse wranglers, archeologists working with flint metal, Sufi mystics and musicians all along the ancient Silk Road, crossing into Central Asia. Host Marco Werman talks with Salopek about his experiences.

Out of Eden Walk: Walking Tbilisi

Out of Eden Walk

Georgia’s capital city, Tbilisi, sits at the ancient crossroads of Asia and Europe, of Islam and Christianity. It is currently the scene of a political confrontation over a Russia-inspired law that critics fear will stifle media freedom. Host Marco Werman speaks with National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek in Tbilisi about the city’s rich cultural past and its current tensions.

Out of Eden Walk: Walking Across Anatolia

Out of Eden Walk

National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek tells host Carolyn Beeler what it was like to walk 700 miles across the plains of eastern Turkey, historically called Anatolia, a land that connects Europe with Asia. The war in neighboring Syria and thousands of years of conflict and conquest quietly echo through this peaceful, pastoral land.

Man taking photo of self in mirror with a desert background

Out of Eden Walk: Cyprus

Out of Eden Walk

National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek tells host Carolyn Beeler about his first stop after having walked through the Middle East. On Cyprus he found beaches slathered with baking Russians and Brits, a busy port city and a checkerboard of olive groves and yellow hay fields. But he also found the vestigial border line that divides the island’s Greek and Turkish communities.

Structures built by the Nabateans more than two millennia ago, like this remnant at Mada’in Salih, Saudi Arabia, rival those of ancient Rome and Greece.

Out of Eden Walk: Walking to the Holy Land

Out of Eden Walk

National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek has been recreating the journey, on foot, of the first humans. He tells host Marco Werman about his walk, in 2013, through Jordan into the Israeli occupied West Bank, lands that are both ancient and now part of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.