In the Indian city of Mumbai, millions of Hindus just wrapped up the annual, 10-day celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi, a holiday dedicated to the elephant god, Ganesha. The holiday has come under scrutiny, however, because of the environmental damage that results from releasing millions of statues into water bodies across the state each year.
Violence against doctors, nurses and medical staff in hospitals is a persistent problem in India. The World’s host Marco Werman speaks with Dr. Rimy Dey in New Delhi about the latest assault of a female doctor that has sparked widespread protest.
National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek tells Host Marco Werman about his walk through India’s northeastern region, where he traced the steps of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as the Buddha. He also regales us with tales of a brickyard, where laborers make the building blocks for 21st-century India and of a village where people make everything out of bamboo.