Lifestyle & Belief

Island nation fights the sea to keep its land


Rising sea levels are a threat to coastal regions everywhere, but especially for islands. No example stands out more than the South Pacific nation of Tuvalu. But as Kathleen Schuster reports from our partner, Deutsche Welle, the people of Tuvalu are not yet willing to give up their land. To hear the full story, click […]

Many Argentine Catholics pray for long-awaited papal visit 

Sacred Nation

Kyudo: A look into Japan’s oldest martial art

Japan in Focus

Inside the race for the world’s fastest train


Salvaging family photos after the Valencia floods 

How a former gang member in Japan found a new path through Christianity

Japan in Focus

Tatsuya Shindo was once a member of the yakuza, a Japanese organized crime gang. His arm-length tattoos are a sure sign of his past life. Shindo also served time in prison. But now, he’s a 53-year-old Christian pastor who spends time with other former prisoners in a society where redemption and getting a second chance are not easy.

Bright lights, big city, big light pollution


Our partners at Deutsche Welle took a walking tour of the problem of light pollution in Cologne, Germany, for the “Living Planet” program with journalist Kathleen Schuster.

This Scottish peat bog has become an unlikely tourist attraction


Scotland’s Flow Country looks from a distance like a vast expanse of dull, wet brown vegetation — not the kind of view that tourists typically find enticing. But it’s become a real attraction since being declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.

A century-old British tram gets restored to its former glory


In the early 1900s, Brighton, England, was full of electric trams. But at the start of World War II, they were scrapped for the war effort. All of the trams were lost — or so historians thought. Then in 2009, one was discovered on a pig farm, and a team of locals have been working ever since to restore the tram to its original glory. Now, the group behind the restoration is hoping to get it running on tracks again, soon. 

‘It’s like a dream’: Artists and fans connect over the love of comic books at Japan’s biannual Comiket

Japan in Focus

Comiket is the world’s largest comic festival. Twice a year, more than 300,000 comic enthusiasts from around the world travel to Tokyo to support their favorite artists. While the vast majority of artists are Japanese, some foreigners manage to grab a table to show their wares.