Lifestyle & Belief

The enduring harvest of the ‘Tears of Chios’


The domesticated versions of wild Mediterranean shrubs are the world’s sole source of gum mastic — a clear resin that has been used by humans for at least 2,500 years. Today, some growers are trying to keep up that tradition.

Out of the closet, out of care: LGBTQ communities in Malawi struggle to access health care


‘Our community is terrified’: A faith leader talks about what it means to be a Palestinian Christian in the US

Israel-Hamas war

France sets its sights on the gold medal in blind football at the Paris Paralympics 

‘It so clearly discriminates against Muslims’: India rolls out faith-based test for citizenship

Sacred Nation

As winter arrives in the southern hemisphere, Brazilians celebrate ‘June Festivals’

Lifestyle & Belief

They’re called “Festas Juninas” — or June Festivals — and they are the heart of Brazilian culture this time of the year. What’s special about these festivals is that they’re generally not celebrated in big mega events, like Carnival in February, but they’re held in each town and community across the country. As Michael Fox reports from Florianopolis, in southern Brazil, these festivals spring from a deep well of history and broad mix of cultural influences passed from one generation to the next.

Panama has relocated islanders affected by rising sea levels — and says many more villages also need to be moved

Climate Change

Panama has built a new village for the residents of Gardi Sugdub, an island in the Caribbean that is expected to sink due to climate change.

Single and Japanese? The government will find you a date.

Japan in Focus

Japan is entering what some sociologists call a “marriage ice age.”
So, the government is trying its hand at matchmaking.

A far-right Dutch politician who once railed against Islam now spends his time defending it


Anti-Muslim policies are a key tenet of the Dutch far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders. Many of those policies were devised by former lawmaker and once close confidante of Wilders, Joram van Klaveren. Today van Klaveren dedicates his life to defending Islam.

In Tokyo, some public toilets inspire wonder

Japan in Focus

In Shibuya, a busy ward in Tokyo, Japan, officials want public toilets to inspire wonder. They’ve recently started a tour of 17 bathroom facilities designed by world-class artists and architects. The World’s Patrick Winn reports.