Locusts in the skillet (Photo: Reuters)
Can you name Israel's southern desert that lies east of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula?
Locusts move with the winds blowing across the Sinai Peninsula and across the border into Israel.
It's happened for thousands of years in this desert region, locust plagues appear in the Bible.
This week Israel sent out planes to spray pesticides to prevent damage to fields and fruit orchards.
The eradication effort seems to be working. One Israeli farmer said, "It's like an insect cemetery down here."
This is going on in the region of the Negev Desert.
But there's something else interesting to mention about locusts. Ronit Treatman writes a food blog called The Kosher Table for the Philadelphia Jewish Voice. In addition to being a menace, she says locusts are both tasty and kosher.
Here's a recipe for Locust Chips (French Fries) courtesy of Ronit Treatman. Please send us any others you'd like to share below.
12 Locusts
2 quarts peanut oil
Salt and pepper
Boil water in a pot. Heat the peanut oil in a pan over medium-low heat until it reaches 325 degrees F. Blanch the locusts in the hot water, and remove to a plate lined with paper towels to drain. Increase the heat to medium-high and add the locusts to the hot oil, continuously stirring to avoid burning. When the locusts turn a golden brown, transfer to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb the excess oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Remove the head, wings, and legs before eating. Serve immediately. May be served with ketchup.