Insects as food

Mealworm dish in a Yunan Restaurant

A Dutch supermarket is bringing edible insects into the mainstream


Edible insects are celebrated for being environmentally friendly and also potentially quite tasty. And now they’re going mainstream, with the Dutch grocery store Jumbo getting ready to put them on the shelves.

Eat-a-Bug Cookbook

Locusts: Agricultural Menace and Kosher Snack

Arts, Culture & Media

Note on Emerging Science

The World

Emerging Science Note/Brainwashed Grasshoppers

The World

Bottoms Up for Once Lowly Mezcal

Efforts are underway to lift mezcal up from its reputation as a poor man’s drink to one that can compete on the market with its better-known cousin, tequila. To reach that goal, ecologists are working with mezcal farmers and producers to make a product that is valued for its unique and diversified taste, and that […]

Almanac: Rocky Mountain Locusts

This week, facts about Rocky Mountain Locusts. One hundred twenty-six summers ago, a plague of locusts chewed its way across the American West.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about Rocky Mountain Locusts. One hundred twenty-five summers ago, a plague of locusts chewed its way across the American West.

The World

Hungry grasshoppers threaten cows

Every year grasshoppers raid ranches and farms across the West, but this year threatens to see the worst infestation since 1985.