“Once There Were Wolves” tells a mysterious tale about a woman-led team working to reintroduce wolves to the Scottish Highlands, the people who confront them, and the deadly toll of domestic abuse.
GPS tracking could help tigers and traffic coexist across Asia
Whether it’s a scientific study in an online database or a simple cellphone photo of a species posted on Facebook, the surge of online data on rare animals and plants is inadvertently fueling a vast illegal trade.
Report: Invasive species target islands, coastal areas while upending ecosystems
To avert ecological disaster, renowned conservationist and Harvard Professor E.O. Wilson has proposed a radical idea to set aside half of Earth’s land and sea for nature.
The world’s most eligible bachelor likes to eat grass and chill in the mud
The world’s smallest porpoise species has been brought to the edge of extinction by illegal fishing in Mexico. And it’s not even the porpoise itself that fishermen are after.