Carbon footprint

Forests cover about 80% of the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada. Around half of that land is owned by smallholders.

Can carbon offsets preserve Canadian woodlands?

The Big Fix

Carbon offsets have been gaining popularity and attention as a solution to climate change. While many offsets projects have major pitfalls, some forestry experts in Canada’s Maritimes Provinces see carbon offsets as a powerful way to change forest management.

Under a new carbon offset program that is gaining popularity in Congress, oil and gas companies — and other manufacturers of products involving — fossil fuel would have to pay $40 for every ton of carbon emitted into the atmosphere.

New carbon offset program may have the bipartisan support it needs on Capitol Hill

More than 30,000 people traveled to the UN's COP21 climate summit in Paris last month from aroudn the world. The UN set up a website where attendees could offset the carbon footprint of their travel.

People who traveled to the Paris climate summit can offset their carbon emissions — but it isn’t easy

This new ceiling lamp from Stack Lighting is on a growing list of household products that are "smart," but also green. It uses sensors to adjust itself based on ambient lighting in a room, and switch itself off if there's no one there. The company says th

Here comes an energy efficiency revolution

Plane at National Airport

A climate reporter declares his own ‘no fly’ zone


Microsoft pledges to become carbon neutral


Software giant Microsoft hopes to become carbon neutral by tracking and self-taxing its carbon output and investing in clean energy and efficiency.

Yahoo! searches for energy efficiency


Chris Page, Director of Climate and Energy Strategy at Yahoo! shares the company’s plan for cutting CO2 emissions.

How Bad Are Bananas? Author Mike Berners-Lee Explains

Global Politics

Berners-Lee explains ways to cut our energy use and carbon footprints.

The World

Which Way Will Duke Energy Go?

Nuclear power and coal generate about 70% of the nation’s electricity. But the nuclear industry faces new scrutiny and coal is under fire for its climate-changing CO2. What’s an electric company to do? The CEO of one of the biggest, Duke Energy’s Jim Rogers, explains the energy choices he’s making. A pending merger could make Duke the nation’s largest electric utility and Rogers a very powerful voice in the energy debate.

Tiny House

For some Americans 84 square feet is about the size of their bathroom; for others, it’s an entire home.