Dr. James Kirkland, director of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at the Mayo Clinic, discussed with The World’s Marco Werman ways to improve one’s health and lifestyle to increase the possibility of living a longer life.
The caps at the end of our DNA, known as telomeres, shorten with each cell replication. For this reason, telomeres have been used as a marker of aging. But researchers, writing in the journal Scientific Reports, have discovered one animal whose telomere length increases with age — the edible dormouse.
When researchers gave old mice the blood of young mice, it seemed to kickstart their brains, boosting their ability to learn and remember, and strengthening their muscles. Would a similar thing ever work in humans? It’s too soon to say, really, but scientists are working on it.When researchers gave old mice the blood of young mice, it seemed to kickstart their brains, boosting their ability to learn and remember, and strengthening their muscles. Would a similar thing ever work in humans? It’s too soon to say, really, but scientists are working on it.