Slideshow: Collaborative Painting in North Africa

The World

From trendy Coffee bars, we move now… to trendy art. We’re focusing on art associated with a particular North African country – in today’s Geo Quiz. The country we’re looking for is the northern-most in Africa.
The Romans, Arabs, Ottoman Turks and the French.. all put their stamp on this country.
More recently, it was the scene of political protests that inspired what became known as the Arab Spring. Now, imagine a group of artists from this country drawing inspiration from that political activism.
They’ve come up with a style of painting that they call “collaborative painting” or “democratic art.”
Try to name this North African country at the edge of the Mediterranean…..

A novel approach to painting may be taking hold – it’s currently on display in New York. It’s called Tunisian Collaborative Painting. And Tunisia is the answer to our Geo Quiz.

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