Robbie Robertson Goes Nonfiction

Studio 360
The World

Robbie Robertson wrote some of the greatest rock songs of the late ’60s and ’70s.   As a member of The Band, he penned classic songs filled with rueful stories and quirky characters.   Robertson’s first album in more than a decade, How to Become Clairvoyant, is more memoir than fiction.   He talks with Kurt Andersen about how he learned the art of storytelling on the Six Nations reservation.
Bonus Track: Kurt Andersen’s  full 47-minute conversation with Robbie Robertson  
‘Bonus Track: Kurt Andersen\’s full 47-minute conversation with Robbie Robertson’,

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Bonus Track: Robbie Robertson discusses his favorite The Band song, “Rag Mama Rag”

‘Bonus Track: Robbie Robertson discusses his favorite The Band song, “Rag Mama Rag”‘,

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