Ari Daniel

Ari Daniel is a science and environment reporter for PRI's The World and many museum, non-profit, academic and news organizations. He is passionate about telling human stories about science and empowering others to do the same.

I've always loved science. As a graduate student, I trained gray seal pups (Halichoerus grypus) for my Master's degree at the University of St. Andrews and helped tag wild Norwegian killer whales (Orcinus orca) for my Ph.D. at MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. These days, as a science reporter, I record a species that I'm better equipped to understand — Homo sapiens.  My radio stories have been featured on PRI’s The World, Radiolab, and NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered. In the fifth grade, I won the “Most Contagious Smile” award.

How climate change is strengthening hurricanes, and what communities can do

Researchers are racing to pin down the forces driving supercharged hurricanes and what the future holds.

Two students working on a computer

Texas A&M is shutting down its Qatar campus amid charges of a disinformation campaign


Why corals in American Samoa are thriving despite warmer oceans 

Barnacle geese have developed new migration routes and breeding grounds amid warming global temperatures. 

Animal species are evolving to adjust to climate change, but scientists say time is running out

The Big Fix
woman at computer

‘Out of reach’: Over 40 academic editors leave global publishing company they say overcharged to publish their work

buildings collapsed in rubble

The geology behind the deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

This corner of the globe sits at the intersection of three tectonic plates, including the Arabian Plate that’s moving northward into Europe. Pressure along the fault has been building, and when it finally released, it appears that an area nearly 120 miles long and 15 miles wide got displaced, unleashing the earthquake. 

Today, Rami is a resident at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, where he sees patients with numerous ailments, including COVID-19.

After years apart, this Syrian doctor in New York is finally celebrating Ramadan with his family

Saturday evening marks the end of Ramadan. Even though Rami is putting in long hours treating patients with the coronavirus, he’s thankful for a more traditional celebration of Ramadan — with his wife and young son.

Observers in southern Iceland stand watch, scanning the sea for killer whales. 

Research on whales, cosmos among many studies derailed by pandemic


All over the world, the scientific community is feeling the impact of the coronavirus, both in the field and in the laboratory. In some cases, research has been paused or discontinued. For some, it means changing plans — staying put instead of going abroad, or not being able to return home.   

A team of researchers at the Vanderbilt Vaccine Center selects lead antibody candidates for further screening.

Racing to develop a drug to fight COVID-19


Doctors in China and the US have transfused antibodies from recovered patients directly into the blood of people with severe cases of COVID-19. Dr. Mario Ostrowski and his collaborators want to identify the genes that encode these antibodies and use them to mass produce lab-grown versions — to turn into a drug to treat the infection.

The author's 3-year-old daughter Leila has been occupying herself during the "stay at home" order in Boston amid the coronavirus outbreak by making cards and beaded necklaces for her preschool friends. 

How families around the world talk coronavirus with kids


It’s hard explaining to kids what COVID-19 is, much less the new restrictions that come with it. Reporter Ari Daniel spoke to a bunch of families all over the world about their challenges and how they’re making do.  

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