
The enduring harvest of the ‘Tears of Chios’


The domesticated versions of wild Mediterranean shrubs are the world’s sole source of gum mastic — a clear resin that has been used by humans for at least 2,500 years. Today, some growers are trying to keep up that tradition.

Motorcycle taxis are increasingly being driven by women in Uganda

Syrian refugees in Lebanon face growing restrictions and deportation

Israel-Hamas war

‘Dönerflation’: Outcry in Germany over rising cost of döner kebab

"And this shall also pass II," by Nigerian artist Ngozi-Omeje Ezema, 2022, work from Kó gallery in Lagos, Nigeria.

After decades of being overlooked, African art gets its moment

Fuels are not just for transportation in Nigeria, many people also use fuel to power their generators in order to get electricity at home and also run their businesses.

Nigeria’s low-income communities bear the brunt of faltering economy

Nigeria has held the position as Africa’s largest economy since 2022. But a recent forecast by the International Monetary Fund predicts that the country may fall to fourth place this year amid fuel scarcity and high inflation.

A North Korean refugee offers a different view of his home country from the other side of the DMZ

Each year, thousands of tourists visit the demilitarized zone that separates North and South Korea. Now a North Korean defector is guiding tourists and offering his view of what it is actually like to grow up on the other side.

Three people cross a ravine as they walk through a forest with water bottles and backpacks.

‘I’ll go for the American dream’: After struggling to get legal status in Colombia, many Venezuelan migrants are heading to the US


For years, Colombia has been the main destination for Venezuelans escaping their nation’s humanitarian crisis. But that’s changing as Colombia’s government makes it harder for them to get residency permits.

Large group of Indian farmers sitting on a green ground outside

‘We are helpless’: Protesting farmers in India pose challenges — and demands — to Modi

With polls opening this month in India, farmers are angry with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In 2021, Modi made a rare concession by repealing farm laws after they were met with massive months-long protests in Delhi. Now, farmers are returning to the streets. Sushmita Pathak reports from Delhi that the main demand now is guaranteed crop prices.

‘I have to work to help my family’: Child laborers in Raqqa face dangerous conditions

Shadow of ISIS

The campaign to liberate Raqqa in northeastern Syria from ISIS in 2017 left the city in ruins. Today, children make up a significant portion of the workforce that is rebuilding the city. One family knows the dangers of this work firsthand.