Nearly three years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, many consumers in the US remain concerned about radiation in fish from the Pacific Ocean. One Seattle fisherman finally got his fish tested, and found what many scientists have also found: there’s nothing to worry about.
A lot of time an energy has gone into rebuilding the fish stocks in Washington State, with some success. But on the White River, there’s an aging dam that was never designed to allow fish to migrate and spawn. Now, a local Indian tribe says fish are dying by the thousands.
There’s an effort in Washington to restore the stock and habitat of some of its native fish. On the Elwha River, that’s meant taking down dams to restore natural habitat. But new problems have cropped up, lawsuits have been filed and, frankly, the fish aren’t always cooperating.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake has been signaling in recent days that it may be time for another round of economic measures to bolster the economy. The board of the federal reserve meets on Tuesday, and eyes are on Bernake to see if he’ll move now.