
Houston water channel refineries

Houston is vulnerable to catastrophic hurricane damage


The tanks and refineries of the huge oil and gas infrastructure that Texas is famous for leave the city of Houston at risk for devastation and massive loss of life from storm surges if a major hurricane were to hit.

The Red Cross

The corporate takeover of the Red Cross

Memorial Medical Center New Orleans

Must read? Book tells haunting story of doctors allegedly euthanizing their patients

Health & Medicine

Pennsylvania farmers disappointed with fracking returns


Shrinking Natural Gas Royalties

Justice Department investigating Sheldon Adelson, GOP’s biggest donor

Global Politics

The Republican party’s largest financial backer, multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson, is under federal and state investigation for his business practice in Macau. The investigation puts Mitt Romney in an awkward position.

Bank foreclosures picking up pace; mortgage modification programs fail

Global Politics

A new investigation has discovered that the much ballyhooed home mortgage modification programs have all failed and now banks are picking up the pace of foreclosures.

Politics prevents clear assessment of formaldehyde

Are U.S. Senators doing the formaldehyde industry’s bidding?

European Intelligence Agencies Not Surprised by NSA Surveillance

Conflict & Justice

NSA surveillance programs may be a surprise to Americans but European intelligence agencies have known about them and made use of the intelligence for years.

Does Medicare Part D Care About Safety?

Ten years ago, Medicare Part D was added to existing coverage for seniors and the disabled. It offered unprecedented access to prescription drugs. But ProPublica Senior Reporter Tracy Weber, along with her colleagues Charles Ornstein and Jennifer LaFleur, took a closer look at this program, raising questions about whether the government is doing enough to […]