Oil well

Under the new federal fracking rules, wastewater must be managed onsite and in closed tanks, not in the open pits seen here.

Fracking is about to change, and almost no one is happy about it


The Obama administration has announced new regulations on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on federal lands. But while the oil and gas industry is predictably upset about the new rules, environmentalists think the government needs to do more.

Fracking site in North Dakota

Fracking went on trial and a Texas family beat the industry

Fracking site in North Dakota

Fracking went on trial and a Texas family beat the industry


Norway’s oil and gas boom leaves other European economies lagging behind

EPA acknowledges link between fracking, well pollution in Wyoming


Natural gas boom may be making people sick

Health & Medicine

Residents around new natural gas pumps and rigs have been forced to abandon their homes, as health concerns around natural gas grow.

Drilling for oil off the shores of America


The debate over offshore oil drilling set against high gas prices, environmental concerns, oil speculation, and the politics of energy.

House plan for offshore drilling

Global Politics

House lawmakers passed an energy bill that would leave it up to the coastal states to choose whether or not to drill offshore for oil and gas.

The World

DOE Looks for Orphan Wells

The federal government is pushing new efforts to deal with an old problem – abandoned oil and gas wells. In Pennsylvania, there may be as many as 100,000 orphan wells. If the wells were not sealed properly, they could explode.

Waste Water from Oil Extraction Can Cause Earthquakes


A new study links a 2011 earthquake in Oklahoma to wells containing waste water from oil and gas extraction.