The battle over labeling GMO foods has prompted food companies to pour $27 million into lobbying efforts — just in the last six months. With a lawsuit arguing that Vermont’s GMO labeling law is unconstitutional and fights to stop labeling initiatives in other states, the big food lobbying push is likely to keep growing.
Dengue Fever is one of the biggest killers in tropical countries. It’s carried by mosquitoes that have proven tough to eradicate, so now officials in Brazil are trying a new approach: mosquitoes that have been genetically modified.Dengue Fever is one of the biggest killers in tropical countries. It’s carried by mosquitoes that have proven tough to eradicate, so now officials in Brazil are trying a new approach: mosquitoes that have been genetically modified.
A new study linking consumption of genetically modified foods to stomach inflammation and reproductive problems in pigs is being used as fuel in the fight to have GM foods labeled in the United States. More than 20 states are currently considering related legislation.