
The Thinker

Research shows your social networks affect your mood — and your decisions


“We are largely products of our social networks,” says a Yale researcher involved in controlled tests of our decision making. Studies show our decisions aren’t truly our own to control. We are subconsciously changed by those around us, even if we don’t know them.

Welsh conductor Grant Llewellyn conducts an orchestra in 2007.

There’s a reason why great music can give you a ‘skin orgasm’ — chills down your spine


Dermatologist suggests Botox as a possible treatment for depression

Health & Medicine

Hip-hop artist makes waves with song attacking homophobia

Arts, Culture & Media

Stanford professor reveals the art of procrastination in new book

Arts, Culture & Media

Larger social networks — especially earlier in life — leads to larger brain development

Health & Medicine

New research out of the United Kingdom indicates that people with larger social networks, especially early in life, will develop larger brain areas.

Form of chronic, mild depresson often goes untreated

Health & Medicine

If you’re feeling gloomy, moody and have low energy, you could have the chronic, mild depression called dysthymia.

Software helps businesses cross cultural divide

The boom in online software to help businesses cross the cultural divide, from matching up cultural profiles to emotional recognition.

The science behind making decisions


Join an online discussion with Jonah Lehrer on making decisions — from picking a breakfast cereal to choosing a mate.

Creativity and madness


The myth and the truth behind great creativity and mental illness, and what research reveals about Virginia Woolf, Edvard Munch and others.