Atlantic Ocean

Omar Vazquez Sanchez stands in the doorway of a home built from blocks made of seaweed.

In Cancun, this man is turning seaweed trash into natural-building treasures


A brown seaweed called sargassum is washing up on Cancun beaches, threatening the region’s efforts to recover its tourism. Local resident Omar Vazquez Sanchez got the idea to transform the seaweed into “sargablocks,” what he calls a small solution to a big problem. 

A visible color satellite image centered on Georges Bank

President Obama just created the Atlantic’s first national marine monument. What is it?

Greenland's Sermilik fjord is choked with huge icebergs from one of the island's biggest glaciers. But climate researchers working in the fjord and on the Helheim glacier are looking for tiny clues in hopes of getting a better handle on how cliamte change

Looking small for big answers in Greenland

Dark rock above the Helheim glacier in southeastern Greenland marks its former level, before a sudden and dramatic retreat of hit many Greenland glaciers a decade ago. Scientists working on the Helheim and the fjord it drains into are looking for clues to

In Greenland, a climate change mystery with clues written in water and stone

The World

Evacuations in Haiti under way

2014. Britain's Inmarsat used a wave phenomenon discovered in the nineteenth century to analyse the seven pings its satellite picked up from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 to determine its final destination.The new findings led Malaysian Prime Minister Na

An oceanographer tells why it will be so tough to find missing Flight 370 in the Indian Ocean


It took two years to find the flight data and cockpit voice recorders for an Air France jet that disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. In that tragedy, the crash site was found within two days of the accident. With Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the search may be much harder.It took two years to find the flight data and cockpit voice recorders for an Air France jet that disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. In that tragedy, the crash site was found within two days of the accident. With Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the search may be much harder.

SS Kroonland is seen on 2 February 1915 at the Culebra Cut while transiting the Panama Canal. Kroonland was the largest passenger ship to that time to transit the canal.

The Big Canal

A century ago, American engineers embarked on what was then the greatest building project in history. It took 10 years and 75,000 men to construct.

Excavator at work, in Bas Obispo, Panama Canal (1886).

Panama: A historical perspective

A century ago, the building of the Panama Canal and construction of Lake Gatun was met with great fanfare. It captured the attention of the world, showing that the seemingly impossible was indeed possible.

Hurricane Katrine — Superdome

How the Dutch are helping New Orleans stay dry

Arts, Culture & Media

Eight years ago Thursday, “the storm” hit New Orleans. The people certainly haven’t forgot about Hurricane Katrina. But another group is making sure the city never floods again: the Dutch.

Hurricane Isaac approaches Louisiana coast


With winds of at least 75 mph, expected to climb slightly higher, Hurricane Isaac was prepared to hit the Gulf Coast of the United States, especially Louisiana. While the winds are relatively light, forecasters are worried the slow-moving storm will dump a lot of rain on top of an area that’s already quite soggy.