Obama campaign celebrates ‘Romneycare’ anniversary (VIDEO)

It’s the six-year anniversary of Massachusetts' healthcare reform law, and President Barack Obama’s reelection team doesn’t want the nation to forget it.

The Obama campaign released a short video today reminding voters that, as governor of Massachusetts, now-presidential candidate Mitt Romney signed a healthcare reform package that inspired Obama’s controversial healthcare law, CBS News reported.

Most Americans want to get rid of at least parts of Obama’s law, according to the latest CBS News/ New York Times poll, CBS News reported.

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"It was to President Obama's credit he that said, yeah to borrow some ideas from the right, but look, here's something that really worked," health reform consultant Jonathan Gruber says in the video, according to CBS News. "Then all of a sudden, Mitt Romney started attacking basically what he'd done. Here's a guy who came up with this brilliant idea, made it work in Massachusetts, then suddenly because it was from another party it was a bad idea."

The jabs didn’t end there. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a Democrat and a co-chairman of Obama’s reelection campaign, stopped by MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program this morning to remind viewers that ‘Romneycare’ contained an individual mandate provision similar to the one that conservatives dislike in Obama’s healthcare law, the Hill reported.

“He [Romney] has something to be proud of," Patrick said on the show, according to the Hill. "He was part of a broad coalition … that came together to invent healthcare reform and then stuck together to refine it as we've gone along, and that has been key. The governor's contribution was the individual mandate."

Patrick also argued that Romney’s healthcare reform has had a positive impact on Massachusetts. "We have more people covered … more businesses offering insurance to their employees, and it's added all of one percent to the state budget, so it's very affordable and it's done a lot of good, so we're excited to celebrate,” he said, according to the Hill.

Romney’s campaign declined to join in the celebrations, according to CBS News. "President Obama was wrong to impose a one-size-fits-all plan for the nation on healthcare," Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul said in response to the video, CBS News reported. "Obamacare is bad policy and it's bad law. What is important is that states should be free to pursue their own solutions, and we look forward to celebrating the day Obamacare is overturned and that power is returned to the states."

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