Radiation effects from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

Big plastic bags containing radiated soil, leaves and debris are dumped at a tennis court at a sports park near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

A reporter covering the Fukushima nuclear meltdown actually lived through Chernobyl

Health & Medicine

There’s been no end to the ongoing disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. And Yuriy Humber has a unique perspective. He’s been reporting on the Fukushima meltdown for Bloomberg News in Tokyo and also lived through the Chernobyl disaster.

Journalists allowed up-close look at efforts to dismantle Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Rice Containing Radioactive Cesium Found In Japan

The World

Fukushima: To Eat, or Not To Eat?

The World

Radiation from Fukushima Nuke Plant More Than Expected


Contamination Risks Near Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant


A discussion about the contamination risks near the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Radioactive Leak Plugged at Japan’s Reactor

Workers at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant say they’ve stopped a the leak that was sending highly radioactive water into the ocean. However, enough radioactive material has already flowed into ocean that it’s worked its way up the food chain with fish 43 miles away testing for high levels of radioactive iodine 131. Ken Belson, reporter […]

Fukushima Disaster Makes Japan’s Coastal Waters Radioactive

Tests have confirmed that highly radioactive water has escaped Japan’s disabled nuclear facility and reached into the Pacific Ocean. Cesium and Iodine contamination are big concerns but scientists think the irradiated water will be diluted by the vastness of the ocean.

On Living in Post-Quake Japan

U.S. officials say the levels of radiation at Fukushima Daiichi power plant are even more dangerous than the Japanese government has indicated and their advising anyone within a 50-mile radius to evacuate. The United States is also chartering flights for Americans who want to leave the country. Kelly Williams is an American originally from Seattle. […]

Top of the Hour: The Dangers of Nuclear Power, Morning Headlines

A steam explosion at the Fukushima power plant early Tuesday morning led to a fire that released large amounts of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. However, officials say that radiation levels have dropped to a safe level. All but 50 workers have been evacuated and the remaining workers are trying to keep the reactors cool. […]