

From Hollywood to here: ‘Rememory’ and the future of memory


In films, our memories can be recorded and downloaded. Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez weighs in on the real-life state of memory research.

White mouse

Researchers may have found the fountain of youth — for mice

The World

Note on Emerging Science – Singing Mice

The World

Science Note/Fat Mice Get Thin

Singing Mice

Rodent Roadsigns

Wood mice use sticks, leaves and shells as sign posts so they don’t get lost as they travel through fields. Host Steve Curwood talks with Oxford University zoologist David Macdonald about the rodent road signs.

The World

Technology Update

Cynthia Graber reports on a new test that will reveal if rats or mice are hiding nearby.

The World

Mouse study reveals the human journey


A new study of mouse DNA is helping shed new light on human migration. The World’s Clark Boyd has the story.