Food science

Tractor farming in India

Global warming threatens nutrition levels in staple crops


Climate disruption can be tough on agriculture, and now there appears to be another danger to staple crops as carbon dioxide levels rise: nutrient loss.

The contents of an MRE (Meals Ready to Eat)

How combat rations got into your kid’s lunchbox

Brussels sprouts

Scientists think they may have found a way to rewire your brain to like healthy foods


Author finds Americans eating healthier — despite higher food prices

New peanut allergy tests points to great over-diagnosis in kids

Health & Medicine

Disney sets new nutritional standards for advertisers

Disney announced new advertising guidelines Tuesday for ads on Disney’s TV stations, its websites, and its radio stations, banning ads for fast foods and sugary cereals that do not meet the company’s nutrition standards.

Eating with Experts

Arts, Culture & Media

Get a totally different take on eating Eggs Benedict with a biopsychologist and a gourmand.

The red meat scare

Health & Medicine

A new study finds that a diet rich in red meat and processed meats can lead to premature death.

The Perfect Protein

We hear lots about the nutritional value of fish, but it seems to be getting more and more difficult to eat seafood sustainably. Andy Sharpless’ new book†The Perfect Protein outlines†how we can better manage our fisheries in order to feed our growing population.

New Nutritional Standards for Disney

Walt Disney is the latest company to jump on the childhood anti-obesity band wagon. Today Disney will announce a new initiative to advertise healthier food products on all its media platforms for children.  The company says that ads for sugary cereals and junk foods will eventually be phased out, and by 2015 all companies advertising food […]