Energy development

Lower reservoir on El Hierro island

Spanish island dumps diesel for wind, water and sunshine


El Hierro, a tiny island in the Canaries, is halfway to the UN goal of ditching fossil fuels. But finding just the right renewable energy mix is proving tough.

A man standing in a dimly lit room showing large renewable batteries

Renewable energy seen as an answer to Ukraine’s wartime energy woes

Port cranes load a climate friendly LNG, liquefied natural gas, powered container ship at the import and export harbor in Hamburg, Germany

Europe’s new liquified gas infrastructure puts climate targets in question

A flare burns natural gas at an oil well on Aug. 26, 2021, in Watford City, North Dakota.

Political climate: Part I

Critical State
A man walks past electricity pylons at an electricity sub station in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021. 

As energy prices soar in Spain, residents seek renewable alternatives

For years, Shanghai has featured some of China's worst air pollution. Recent initiatives by the Chinese government, though, have begun to clean up some of the problem.

With the US pursuing fossil fuels, alternative, renewable forms of energy could be an even bigger boon to China


While the Trump Administration has decided to support the fossil fuel industry, China has decided to go in a much different direction.

Cleaning up power lines in Puerto Rico

Renewable energy and resilient microgrids could help rebuild Puerto Rico


Many experts believe renewable energy and distributed microgrids can save costs and be a better solution to extreme weather. Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s energy infrastructure could present an opportunity to make this a reality.

Nellis Solar Power Plant

Natural gas and solar power have been growing together. Can that last?


Solar power and natural gas seem like competitors in the race to create new power generating capacity. And that’s true — to an extent. But they both may be crucial to helping meet future global energy needs — and reducing the risks of climate change.

Opponents of the Keystone XL oil pipeline rally in front of the White House on February 24, 2015, the day President Barack Obama vetoed a bill circumventing administration review of the project and mandating its construction.

President Obama’s veto isn’t the end of the Keystone XL story


President Obama vetoed a bill that would approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, but that still doesn’t mean the project is officially dead. But with collapsed oil prices and a world moving away from fossil fuels, would Keystone’s builders eventually regret it if they do win approval?

A wind farm with 43 wind turbines generates electricity for the village of Feldheim, Germany.

A German village keeps the lights on with windmills and pig manure


The tiny German village of Feldheim, about 50 miles southwest of Berlin, has sworn off fossil fuels and nuclear power. It produces every bit of its electricity and heat from local sources, and a key way it does that is by using manure from local farms.