Endocrine disruptors

Fruits and vegetables are often wrapped in plastics containing chemicals harmful to human health

A new study highlights the urgent need to regulate phthalates in plastic

Health & Medicine

A new meta-study correlates phthalates in plastics with numerous health disorders, including obesity, male and female reproduction problems and mental health troubles.

Household chemicals

A new book advises parents about how to cope with a world awash in toxic chemicals

House dust magnified

Could house dust contribute to weight gain and obesity?

California mouse

BPA exposure is linked to changes in parenting behavior in male mice

Baby with deadly bottle

Exposure to a common chemical family may affect baby boys’ development in the womb


Canada moves to regulate antibacterial chemical triclosan while FDA continues lengthy review


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is in the middle of a lengthy review of the chemical triclosan — a product that’s in countless consumer products like toothpaste and soap. There’s a movement to try and get the product more stringently regulated in the United States — or banned outright. And they might have just gotten a boost from Canada.

Scientists urge CDC to revise lead exposure level deemed safe in children


A panel of scientists are urging the U.S. government to cut dramatically the level of lead exposure that’s believed to be safe, after continued research suggested that even at levels considered safe, neurological damage was occurring.

Effects of chemicals in flame retardants

Health & Medicine

New study indicates chemicals found in flame retardants may effect the intelligence of young children.

DDT debate heats up


Join an online discussion with entomologist May Berenbaum on the pros and cons of using DDT to fight malaria.

WHO reverses policy on DDT to control malaria

Health & Medicine

The health problems associated with DDT outweighs its effectiveness in controlling malaria , and the WHO plans to phase it out worldwide by 2020.