
Many of the Jewish graves in Kyrgyzstan are adorned with Stars of David.

The Jewish graves in Kyrgyzstan are fading. But a small Jewish community continues to thrive. 


An estimated 40,000 Jews fled fighting in the western part of the Soviet Union during World War II and sought refuge in Central Asia. Today, only about 1,500 Jews still live in Kyrgyzstan, but the small community continues to thrive.

Captured members of the Ethiopian National Defense Force are marched through the streets to prison under guard by Tigray Forces

‘Eritrean forces have to get out of Ethiopia,’ analyst says

Global Politics
A long, narrow boat leaks black oil into the Indian Ocean off coast of Mauritius blue waters

Mauritius rushes to stave off oil spill

Three large royal statues of the Kingdom of Dahomey

Benin negotiates with France to return precious objects taken during colonial war

A large group of people surround former President Barack Obama

Identicide: How demographic shifts can rip a country apart

Conflict & Justice

Good news from Africa

While most of the news from Africa seems to center on nations torn apart by violence and mired in poverty, there’s a lot of good news to be found as well.

Russia Nixes Antarctic Marine Reserve

Negotiators from 25 countries met in Germany recently in a bid to create a massive marine reserve in the seas around Antarctica. But at the last minute, Russia backed out of the deal.

With Climate Change Suddenly on the Agenda, a Look Back at the Candidates’ Positions


Superstorm Sandy has suddenly thrust climate change into the middle of the presidential election campaign. Neither major party candidate has wanted to say much about the issue up to now, but there are real differences in their policies on climate change.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about…the recently ratified Madrid Protocol to protect Antarctica as a wilderness preserve and ban all mining and drilling on the continent for the next fifty years.

The World

Antarctica Series: Part 4 – An Ice Journal

In his final installment, reporter Terry FitzPatrick shares a personal audio journal of his experiences and impressions while traveling to Antarctica for Living on Earth on a National Science Foundation grant. Encore broadcast.