
Uganda Women Birders tackles limiting gender taboos by giving women the experience and resources they need to prove they can do the job.

‘Birds are everywhere!’ Women bird guides in Uganda set a global example


Birdwatching is a rapidly growing and lucrative part of the tourism sector worldwide, but women make up a very small minority of professional guides. Uganda Women Birders, a bird guide club, is revolutionizing the industry by encouraging and supporting women who want to get into the business. Anita Elash reports from the town of Entebbe, Uganda.

A bluebird braves the cold.

Citizen scientists have been taking an annual ‘bird census’ for over a century


Bird watching for the blind

Sandy Brings Ashore Rare Birds


Birding by Ear

The World

In Search of: The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Despite the accepted belief among scientists that the ivory-billed woodpecker is extinct, avid bird enthusiasts continue to search for the species among southern U.S. swamps and bogs. In this documentary report produced by Brenda Tremblay, we visit with hopeful birdwatchers searching for their aviary Holy Grail.

Florida’s Winter Birds

Around 160 different species of birds live year round in Florida and around another 160 varieties arrive in the winter for nesting. But, the bird count in the Sunshine state has been hit with steep declines in recent decades. Some of their wild places have been paved over, and water-flows for the giant marshes and […]

The World

Bird Talk

Orinthologist Kenn Kaufman joins Steve for a birding lesson. Mr. Kaufman’s book, “Lives of North American Birds,” is a reference to birds’ breeding habits, migration patterns and population status. Meet the whip-poor-will, a bristle thighed curlew, and a white tailed kite in this talk.

The World

In Search Of: The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Despite the accepted belief among scientists that the ivory-billed woodpecker is extinct, avid bird enthusiasts continue to search for the species among southern U.S. swamps and bogs. In this documentary report produced by Brenda Tremblay, we visit with hopeful birdwatchers searching for their aviary Holy Grail.

The World

Birding by Ear

Massachusetts Audubon Society’s innovative program for the blind shows there’s a lot more to birding than meets the eye.