Pam Belluck

Two forms of birth control put women at risk for HIV

Health & Medicine

A recent study shows women using two popular hormonal contraceptives put themselves and their partners at greater risk for contracting HIV.

Abortion Fight in Texas Threatens Women’s Health Care Options

The World

Two contraceptives put users at greater risk for HIV infection


Conspiracy Theorists Question Bin Laden’s Death

The World

This shoe is older than Stonehenge

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Watch your head! Keeping yourself sane in hard economic times

Once you start worrying about the economy, what can you do to stop? For some advice on how to cope with psychological stress brought on by the economic downturn, The Takeaway talks to Dr. Robin Kerner, a clinical psychologist in New York City.

The World

Recession depression and other woes of the employed

Nationwide reports of anxiety in the face trying economic times are so widespread that the federal government has put up website warnings about mental health. Pam Belluck is covering the story for the New York Times.