Our Geo Quiz is inspired by a huge shipment of fresh Colombian flowers that arrived at Miami International Airport. More than four thousand boxes of roses and carnations.
They are the very first products to enter the USA under a free trade agreement with Colombia that’s just gone into effect.
Most of Colombia’s flower farms are located in the vast plateau or savanna that we want you to name.
It stretches out across central Colombia alongside the Andes.
Good soil, stable temperatures, and lots of sunny days make this one of the best growing regions in the world.
So where did most of our Mothers’ Day roses come from?
It’s estimated that three out of every four cut flowers sold in this country is grown in Colombia. Most are grown in the region called Sabana de Bogotá, the answer to our quiz.
The new free trade agreement may boost US flower imports from the South American nation even further.
That’s according to Augusto Solano is the president of the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters.
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