Tracy K. Smith: Life on Mars

Studio 360
The World

It’s the first poem about David Bowie to win the Pulitzer Prize. Tracy K. Smith’s collection Life on Mars contains many references to the man she salutes as the “Pope of Pop” (read one of the poems below). Smith admits she became “kind of obsessed” with Bowie’s extraterrestrial alter ego Ziggy Stardust late – in her thirties. He seemed to embody “the imagination as something that is capable of creating a whole new world and a whole new sense of self.” And the view back down at earth was equally as captivating: “I love the sense of looking at the sad, paltry, and yet very familiar spectacle that we must make from moment to moment in our lives, and in our frenzy, as something that’s as out there as alien life.”
Smith’s interest in space also stems from her father, who worked on the Hubble telescope. When he died in 2008, Smith tells Kurt Andersen, she looked at the Hubble’s images of deep space with new curiosity. “I always felt there was this kernel of connectedness that he and I shared,” she says, “even though we veered in very separate directions.” Other poems in the collection consider his death, as well as black holes, metaphysics, and the afterlife.
The collection also contains a poignant appreciation of Levon Helm, the drummer for The Band who died this month. The poem ends with a description of a frustrating writer’s block broken by Helms’ music:

He asks Should I come in with that back beat, and whatever those
Six lines were bothered by skitters off like water in hot grease.Come in, Levon, with your lips stretched tight and that pig-eyed grin,Bass mallet socking it to the drum. Lay it down like you know
You know how, shoulders hiked nice and high, chin tipped back,So the song has to climb its way out like a man from a mine.

Listener Challenge: Ode to a Teen Idol
Is there a rock god or some other star you idolized?Inspired by Tracy K. Smith’s poem about David Bowie, we want your poem about the star who captured your imagination – as a teenager or now.   

“Don’t You Wonder Sometimes” – Tracy K. Smith
1. After dark, stars glisten like ice, and the distance they spanHides something elemental. Not God, exactly. More likeSome thin-hipped glittering Bowie-being – a StarmanOr cosmic ace hovering, swaying, aching to make us see. And what would we do, you and I, if we could know for sure    That someone was there squinting through the dust, Saying nothing is lost, that everything lives on waiting only To be wanted back badly enough? Would you go then, Even for a few nights, into that other life where you And that first she loved, blind to the future once, and happy?    Would I put on coat and return to the kitchen where my Mother and father sit waiting, dinner keeping warm on the stove? Bowie will never die. Nothing will come for him in his sleep Or charging through his veins. And he’ll never grow old, Just like the woman you lost, who will always be dark-haired    And flush-faced, running toward an electronic screen That clocks the minutes, the miles left to go. Just like the life In which I’m forever a child looking out my window at the night sky Thinking one day I’ll touch the world with bare hands Even if it burns.    2. He leaves no tracks. Slips past, quick as a cat. That’s Bowie For you: the Pope of Pop, coy as Christ. Like a play Within a play, he’s trademarked twice. The hours    Plink past like water from a window A/C. We sweat it out, Teach ourselves to wait. Silently, lazily, collapse happens. But not for Bowie. He cocks his head, grins that wicked grin.    Time never stops, but does it end? And how many lives Before take-off, before we find ourselves Beyond ourselves, all glam-glow, all twinkle and gold?    The future isn’t what it used to be. Even Bowie thirsts Fro something good and cold. Jets blink across the sky Like migratory souls.    3. Bowie is among us. Right here In New York City. In a baseball cap And expensive jeans. Ducking into A deli. Flashing all those teeth At the doorman on his way back up. Or he’s hailing a taxi on Lafayette As the sky clouds over at dusk. he’s in no rush. Doesn’t feel The way you’d think he feels. Doesn’t strut or gloat. Tells jokes.    I’ve lived here all these years And never seen him. Like not knowing A comet from a shooting star. But I’ll bet he burns bright, Dragging a tail of white-hot matter The way some of us track tissue Back from the toilet stall. He’s got The whole world under his foot, And we are small alongside, Though there are occasions When a man his size can meet You eyes for just a blip of time And send a thought like SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE Straight to your mind. Bowie, I want to believe you. Want to feel Your will like the wind before the rain. The kind everything simply obeys, Swept up in that hypnotic dance As if something with the power to do so Had looked its way and said:                                                                                                Go ahead.
(Reproduced with the permission of Graywolf Press)

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