Steve Jobs statue unveiled in Hungary science park


A statue of the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, complete with trademark turtleneck jumper, jeans and sneakers, has been unveiled in a science park in Budapest, Hungary, two months after his death.

A Hungarian software company commissioned the nearly 7-foot-tall bronze statue "in recognition of his leadership and vision, and appreciation for Jobs’ support of the fledgling firm while Hungary was still under communist rule," according to The Associated Press.

Graphisoft, founded behind the Iron Curtain in 1982, claims it is the world's first bronze statue of Jobs, calling him one of the greatest personalities of the modern age, according to Reuters.

Its founder Gabor Bojar first met Jobs in 1984 at the CEBIT international trade fair in Germany where the company was presenting the first version of its ArchiCAD three-dimensional design software on Apple’s Lisa computer.

The AP quoted Akos Pfemeter, Graphisoft’s director of global marketing, as saying:

“Steve Jobs was very much convinced about the technology and he offered financial and also marketing support for the company. We received some financial support and Steve Jobs helped us distribute our products in the Apple distribution network.”

Hungarian sculptor Erno Toth depict Jobs making one of his legendary product presentations — one arm outstretched, the other holding what appears to be an iPhone — the AP wrote.

“Jobs said that the hand is very important in a presentation and the hand is the intermediary energy between man and computer,” Toth was quoted as saying while finishing the statue at the Leonardo Gold foundry in southern Budapest. “I liked his personality, and at the same time his temperament and movements were inspiring."

NewsCore quotes Bojar as saying at the statue's unveiling: "Steve Jobs made technology available to the masses first over the desktop, then in our pockets."

Jobs died on Oct. 5 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56.

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