Thalia Beaty is pursuing a Master’s degree in journalism and Near East Studies at New York University. Previously, she worked as a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations where she followed political and economic developments in North Africa and the Gulf with a particular focus on women. Thalia has worked at education and environmental organizations in Cairo, Egypt.
In the last year and a half the female CEO of the game development studio Giant Spacekat, says she has received more than 200 death threats, adding that she gets rape threats “constantly.” However, she feels that the larger GamerGate movement goes beyond individuals, arguing that it is connected to the role of women in gaming.
The Texas Commission on Jail Standards inspects all jails in the state at least once a year, and they also investigate the death of inmates. Inspectors returned to Waller County in July to report on the death of Sandra Bland, a Chicago native who was arrested after a traffic stop and was found hanged after […]