Vladimir Putin

Media outlets in Russia react to Biden dropping out of US presidential race


US President Joe Biden’s announcement to step out of the presidential election elicited a burst of mockery in Russian state media. But analysts say that these messages reveal a lot more about Russian politics than the US democratic system.

Former US ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, speaks with a reporter in Sochi, Russia, Feb. 7, 2014. 

Former Amb McFaul weighs in on escalating tensions between the US and Russia

Global Politics
A health care worker prepares a dose of Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, at the Del Norte Hospital in El Alto, Bolivia, on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021.

Sputnik V vaccine is nearly 92% effective — a ‘political win for Putin’

These are 3 photos of Vladimir Putin's calendars. On the first one from the left, he is holding a fish in his hands wearing green cargo pants, a hat, sunglasses and no shirt. Second one, Putin is exercising in a gym. Third one he is   wearing a black suit

What’s the deal with Vladimir Putin calendars?

Arts, Culture & Media

Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Arts, Culture & Media
Vitali Shkliarov

Meet the man who volunteered for Obama, worked for Bernie and is now consulting Putin’s opponent

Global Politics

Vitali Shkliarov was mesmerized by Barack Obama’s Berlin speech in 2008, though he didn’t speak English at the time. Shkliarov went on to work for Obama and then Bernie Sanders. Now he’s an adviser in the Russian elections.

Alexey Petrov at the March protest in Irkutsk. The scene reminded him of his own generation 20 yrs ago — before Russians his age became jaded about politics.

Young Russia, adrift from the Kremlin, stands up to Putin

Global Politics

The Kremlin was taken aback by anti-government protests that sprung up across the country in March. But so were the usual Russian dissidents. It wasn’t just where they protested, but who came out.

Two people in masks in front of three portraits of Putin, Le Pen and Trump

A youth movement will be partying this Friday to ‘Make America Great Again’ — in Russia

Global Politics

Invitations went out over social media this week, informing journalists about inauguration festivities organized by the “White Star” art collective, which includes several prominent figures in Russia’s pro-Kremlin youth movement.

Obama meets with Trump at the White House in Washington

Trump will likely turn US foreign policy and military planning upside down


​Forget about global climate change controls; count on a larger Army, even more nuclear weapons and more missile defenses

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with reporters during a visit for a summit of former Soviet republics at Kyrgyzstan's international Manas airport outside Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, September 17, 2016.

How close are Trump and Putin?

Election 2016

A closer look into the “bromance.”