West Nile virus

Hatian Marqui Ducarme was hit with the Chikungunya virus in May of this year. After spreading quickly through the Caribbean, public health officials in Florida say the painful mosquito-borne disease has just shown up for the first time in the United State

After a long journey from Africa, a new tropical disease sets up shop in Florida


A nasty tropical disease that causes extreme joint pain and can leave sufferers unable to sit up for weeks has shown up in the US for the first time. Florida health officials say at least two cases of chikungunya appear to have been transmitted by local mosquitoes, and a reporter who’s been covering the story says officials fear a wider outbreak.

Hatian Marqui Ducarme was hit with the Chikungunya virus in May of this year. After spreading quickly through the Caribbean, public health officials in Florida say the painful mosquito-borne disease has just shown up for the first time in the United State

After a long journey from Africa, a new tropical disease sets up shop in Florida


For species dependent on monsoon flooding in desert southwest, mosquitoes unwelcome competition


Record drought conditions contribute to unprecedented levels of West Nile virus

Health & Medicine
The World

Robins and West Nile Virus


Memories of West Nile Virus, Mad Cow Disease and SARS are still fresh, even after reports of the initial outbreaks have long faded. Author Mark Jerome Walters believes we should look to our own actions for the origins of these diseases. Host Steve Curwood talks with Walters about his new book, “Six Modern Plagues and […]

The World

Environmental Health Note/West Nile Vaccine

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on progress in the development of a vaccine against the West Nile Virus.

The World

Health Note

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a study that suggests the West Nile Virus outbreak of 1999 could have caused more infections than previously thought.