Soil contamination

The World

New study links ADHD to pesticide exposure


A study published yesterday in the journal Pediatrics links pesticide exposure in children to a diagnosis of ADHD. When chemicals are everywhere, how can we keep ourselves and our children safe?

States struggle with highway shoulders as resistance to herbicides mounts


School Poisoning Provides Window into India’s Pesticide Problem

Conflict & Justice

Note on Emerging Science – Fungi and Lead

Pesticides’ Influence on IQ

The World

Emerging Science Note/Weed-Killing Robots

Watch out! Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have created a solar-powered robot capable of searching out and destroying- hopefully just- weeds in crop fields.

Navigating Masculinity

Author Cynthia Daniels says society’s perception of gender roles- especially men’s- may be based on outdated ideas of manliness, not taking into account some of men’s reproductive health issues.

The World

The Thirst for Safe Water, Part 3: Mississippi Drinking Water: Epic Danger

The Mississippi watershed drains more than a million square miles of forests, farmland and cities in North America, often carrying with it a heavy load of pesticides and other pollutants. For the people who have to draw their drinking water from the river, the high concentrations of toxic chemicals are a cause for concern. Brenda […]

The World

The Thirst for Safe Water: Pesticides in Drinking Water

Much of the billion pounds of pesticides which farmers apply to crops annually runs off the soil into rivers and streams that provide drinking water. Costly big city treatment plants often filter the chemicals out before they reach homes, but millions of Americans living in smaller communities consume potentially dangerous levels of pesticides in their […]

Pesticide Review

The Environmental Protection Agency is currently reviewing the use of a pesticide called B. cepacia, that can be fatal to people with Cystic Fibrosis. Dr. John LiPuma, a professor of pediatrics at MCP/Hanneman University, joins host Steve Curwood to talk about the risks B. cepacia poses and the chemical’s use in the agriculture industry.