Romani people

Woman in a white blouse working at a desk on her laptop

Roma people are fleeing Romania for US-Mexico border to escape persecution


US Customs and Border Protection said it has detained 2,217 Romanians so far this year — many of whom are Roma people, who face stigma and discrimination at home.

A woman with a black and white striped shirt sits outside with younger children surrounding her.

Czech Republic may offer justice, compensation to thousands of sterilized Roma women 

Human rights
Roma musician Tcha Limberger, of Belgium, says “I Silenti,” which translates from Italian to “the silent ones,” is about giving a voice to the Roma people who died in the Holocaust. 

‘I Silenti’ gives a voice to those who died in the Romani genocide


Grammy nominee Rosalía’s flamenco fame is questioned by Spain’s Roma community

Arts, Culture & Media

What does it mean to be American Romani or Gypsy?

Lifestyle & Belief
Merkel upset at NSA snooping

Now who’s throwing a fit about NSA eavesdropping? Add Germany to the list

Global Scan

Suspicions abound in this edition of the daily Global Scan. Newly-leaked documents show the NSA has spied on leaders and citizens of America’s friends and foes alike. The Roma fall under suspicion of child trafficking, while they fear losing their legitimate children. And an Australian leader is suspicious over claims that fires raging in his country are an early sign of climate change. Those are some of the stories we’re tracking in today’s Global Scan.

Forty-year-old Roma woman by the name Selini Sali or Eleftheria Dimolpoulou, 39-year-old Roma man by the name Christos Salis (R) and a girl found living with them in central Greece, are seen in a handout photo distributed by the Greek police.

An old tale of snatching children is haunting the Roma people in Europe

Conflict & Justice

In Ireland and Greece, authorities have taken blonde-haired children from darker-looking Roma families, with the suspicion that the children were trafficked. Now, many Roma people are scared they will lose their kids.

Remembering Florin Cioaba: ‘King of the Roma’

Conflict & Justice

Romania’s Roma people figure in our Geo Quiz.

In Romania, linguistic respect for people once derided as Gypsies

Global Politics

The Roma in Romania have long been called Tigan or Gypsy. Now, the country has made Roma the official term and hopes to reduce stereotypes and discrimination.

Roma in Northern Hungary Have Their Water Supply Cut Off

Geo Quiz

We’re looking for a city in northern Hungary near the border with Slovakia. It’s a steel town that’s fallen on hard times. And, to save money, officials have turned off many of the city’s roadside water pumps.