Reproductive system

Doctor Katarzyna Koziol injects sperm directly into an egg during in-vitro fertilization procedure at Novum clinic in Warsaw October 26, 2010.

When sperm and egg unite — sparks (of zinc) really do fly


Scientists at Northwestern University have now visualized how the eggs of mammals use the otherwise-unexplainable supply of zinc that they develop.

Palestinians Smuggling Sperm Out of Prison

Conflict & Justice

No Redheads Wanted At The Sperm Bank

Conflict & Justice

Endocrine Disrupters: An Overview of the Evidence

Endocrine Disrupters – In Alligators

Bird Eggs Unhatched

A well-preserved egg collection offers a bird ís eye view of species habitat in 19th century Connecticut.

The World

Bird Eggs Unhatched

A well-preserved egg collection offers a bird’s eye view on species habitat in 19th century Connecticut.

The World

A New Way to Make a Baby? Creating Sperm in the Lab


Scientists in the U.K. claim that for the first time they’ve created human sperm from embryonic stem cells. While the advance is a huge scientific leap that could allow infertile men to have children, it also raises ethical concerns.