
A woman with a green shirt, silver hair and a wrinkled face smiles

Jane Goodall: 60 years of research, activism and inspiration


Sixty years ago, in July 1960, Goodall arrived in what is now Gombe National Park, Tanzania, to begin her groundbreaking research on chimpanzees, and ever since, Goodall has been advocating for conservation of the natural world. Goodall believes COVID-19 emerged “entirely because of our disrespect for animals and the natural world.”

British primatologist Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane Goodall on her work with chimpanzees, and the new documentary ‘JANE’


Evolutionary roots of xenophobia


Xenophobia’s Evolutionary Roots


Chimpanzees and Us

Beautiful Minds

Dolphins and apes might be distant relatives, but two authors say the two species are the brainiest in the animal kingdom after humans.

The World

Jane Goodall on the future of primatology


Fifty years ago, Jane Goodall first walked into Gombe National Park in Tanzania. She talks about the changing political, environmental and ecological landscape in which she has dedicated her life’s work of studying the interactions of wild chimpanzees.

The World

Geo answer


We’re looking for the country with the highest percentage of rainforest cover on Earth; The answer is Suriname in South America. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Russell Mittermeier, primatologist and president of ‘Conservation International.’