Poultry farming

Chickens and other livestock grown without the use of antibiotics are a small but growing part of the U.S. market. Perdue is now the largest producer of antibiotic-free chicken in the country, and other big players in the food industry are following the l

Consumers are demanding antibiotic-free meat, and Big Food is starting to listen


The US government has been slow to respond to the health threat posed by the widespread use of antibiotics in livestock. But consumer concern about antibiotic resistance is growing, and that’s leading some US companies to start changing their ways.

Chickens and other livestock grown without the use of antibiotics are a small but growing part of the U.S. market. Perdue is now the largest producer of antibiotic-free chicken in the country, and other big players in the food industry are following the l

Consumers are demanding antibiotic-free meat, and Big Food is starting to listen

The World

Pasture Raised Chickens

The World

Minks in the Chicken Coop

The World

Pastured Poultry

The World

Minks in the Chicken Coop

The discovery of dead animals put commentator Sy Montgomery in hot pursuit of an unidentified culprit. It all began early one Friday morning when Sy and her husband went to feed and water their eight chickens; and found only two of them alive.

Recipe for Raising Chickens

Minnie Rose Lovgreen’s book, “Recipe for Raising Chickens,” includes helpful tips and personal insight from her nearly 80 years of raising chickens.

Natural Chickens

The country’s biggest poultry producers say they have stopped routinely feeding antibiotics to birds.

The World

German Hens

More than three-quarters of all egg-laying hens in Germany are kept in cages. The government recently declared the farming practice in violation of animal protection laws and decided to ban all hen cages by 2012. Mike Mühlberger reports that many farmers fear the new law will harm their ability to make a living.