
The ghost known as Kollivay Pey, by Shyam, featured in the book "Ghosts, Demons and Monsters of India."

Haunted India: A new ghost compendium features 700 creatures from A to Z


A new book called “Ghosts, Monsters and Demons of India,” co-produced by publisher Rakesh Khanna, explores the wide array of fantastical beings believed to have haunted India for centuries.

Cryptozoologist explains his studies of mysterious creatures — like the Loch Ness Monster

The World

Clearcutting: All In a Day’s Work

Demons in the Midst

The World

Strong Evidence for ESP?

The World

‘Paranormal Activity 2’: through the eyes of a paranormal investigator

Arts, Culture & Media

‘Paranormal Activity 2’ is arguably the most highly anticipated horror movie sequel of the year. It follows regular people who are being haunted by menacing spirits. Movie date co-hosts Rafer Guzman and Kristen Meinzer share their opinions on the film.

The World

The X-Files’ XX factor

Arts, Culture & Media

Ironman and Batman. Both are summer box-office heroes but neither is a woman. With the arrival of The X-Files’ Special Agent Dana Scully to the big screen Friday, that’s set to change. Scully reminds us there are female protagonists who aren’t interested in Manolo Blahniks. Guest: Rebecca Traister, staff writer

The World

Celebrating World UFO Day

Arts, Culture & Media

Sixty-one years ago today, a ranch foreman named Mack Brazel went for a walk near his sheep ranch in Roswell, N.M., and nothing was ever the same. The Takeaway celebrates World UFO Day using historical tape and film clips to look at how pop culture grabbed on to the UFO craze and never let go.

The World

Britain opens UFO files


The World’s Clark Boyd reports that Britain’s Ministry of Defense has released files related to sightings of “Unidentified Flying Objects” over the past 30 years.

The World

The World – Episode 20071113 – A call to re-open the UFO file

A group of former pilots and government officials is calling for the US government to re-open its investigation of UFO sightings. Anchor Marco Werman finds out more from Nick Pope, former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defence.