Organic certification

Broiler chickens

As demand for organics grows, the US relies more on imported products


Organic foods are becoming more popular every year in the US. But when it comes to basic commodity grains like corn and soy, American farmers have been slow to go organic, so imports are meeting the demand.

Some Chinese buying organic to avoid food contamination — but is it enough?

Fake organic foods proliferate from China

The World

Why Some Chinese Worry That Buying Organic Isn’t Good Enough

Global Politics

Organic Grain

The World

Got Organic?

The organic market is getting bigger, raising fears among some in the industry that the ethical farming commitment has been traded for market competition.

The World

Organic Labels

Now that the federal government has come up with a “certified organic” label for fruits and vegetables, some farmers want to broaden the definition of organic. They now want it to mean food grown in a “socially responsible” manner. Henry Sessions reports from Portland, Oregon.

The World

New Organic Food Standards

Amy Bernstein reports on the federal government’s new proposed standards for organic foods. The standards come after a decade of planning and a record level of public involvement. The feds say they’re the strongest organic standards in the world, and supporters of organic foods seem to agree. This is the first of a two-part series […]

The World

Your food may be organic, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe

Arts, Culture & Media

Conventional wisdom has always said you can assure your food is safe by buying organic. But New York Times reporter Kim Severson did some digging and she found that organic certification has nothing to do with food safety.