Maasai people

Young male lions at sunrise in Tanzania.

How hunting lions might actually help save them


Lions who repeatedly kill livestock are a big problem for farmers, but killing such “problem lions” is an equally big issue for the threatened animals. To save both cattle and cats, conservationists are now trying out mock hunts to chase away lions without getting rid of them for good.

Maasai women

Why do these women in Kenya support female genital mutilation?

Health & Medicine

Among Kenya’s Maasai, traditional ways are falling to climate change


Maasai the Brand: Firm Helping Indigenous People Claim Ownership of Their Cultural Property

Global Politics

Among Kenya’s Maasai, Traditional Ways Falling to Climate Change

The World

Geo Quiz and answer

Lifestyle & Belief

Today’s Geo Quiz asked listeners to name a protected natural area in Tanzania that is crossed by a massive migration of wildebeests each year. The answer is Tazania’s Serengeti National Park. Benedict Moran reports from the Serengeti.

The World

Geo quiz answer – Tanzania and Kenya

Conflict & Justice

The answer to today’s Geo Quiz: Tanzania and Kenya – those two countries are home to the Maasai tribes people. The BBC’s Will Grant caught up with six Maasai warriors who plan to run in this weekend’s London marathon.