Jonah Lehrer

Science in fiction and nonfiction

Arts, Culture & Media

Three writers discuss themes as varied as consumer electronics, neuroscience and Twitter.

Our brains and New Year’s resolutions


Jonah Lehrer on How to Expand Your Imagination

The World

Studio 360 – Episode 847 – Dylan, Hamlet, Neuroscience – Proust was a Neuroscientist

The World

Under pressure: Tiger at the Masters

The World

Science: A Brain’s Appetite

Conflict & Justice

New studies suggest that in matters of weight loss, will power could lose out to brainpower. Joining The Takeaway to talk about the brains behind our bulk is science contributor Jonah Lehrer and Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich.

The World

The Lowdown on High Self-Esteem

Health & Medicine

A new University of Waterloo study suggests that when people with low-self esteem articulate self-affirmations, they actually produce the opposite effect. Joining us for a look at the self-esteem movement is The Takeaway’s science contributor Jonah Lehrer.

The World

The decider: How your brain makes up its mind

Arts, Culture & Media

It seems like there are two kinds of people: those who agonize over every decision and those who go with their gut. Neuroscientist Jonah Lehrer is author of the new book, How We Decide, which explores what goes on in the brain when we make a decision.

The World

The science behind keeping (and breaking) New Year’s resolutions


Who hasn’t had a New Year’s resolution fail? The Takeaway’s science contributor Jonah Lehrer joins the show to tell us why our brain actually prevents us from changing everything at once.

The World

The science of gift giving


Feeling a little sheepish because you got your sister socks, and she got you a new purple iPod? Evolution can be blamed for the guilt. Jonah Lehrer gives us the dirt on why we feel the need to give as much as we receive.