

Could there be life on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus? New research raises the possibility.


The moon has a large liquid ocean and lots of hydrogen — the fuel for microbial life.

A magnet levitating above a superconductor.

Harvard researchers say they’ve created metallic hydrogen

Lutz Wiese of Vattenfall power company refuels a hydrogen-powered Mercedes at a filling station in Berlin. Vatenfall is a partner in the world's first direct wind-hydrogen power plant, in northern Germany. Using wind-generated electricity to create hydrog

The car of the future — the very near future — might be driven by the wind


Researcher pioneers low-cost means of storing energy

The World

Hydrogen: Clean Fuel of the Future?

Hydrogen Feathers

Chemical engineers have found heated chicken feathers can efficiently store hydrogen without a huge price tag.

Leaving Hydrogen in the Dust

America dials back support for hydrogen fuel-cell cars.

The World

The Latest in Power Plants

The Southwest is slated to host two of the newest ideas in commercial electricity — turbines fired by solar heat to light up 50 thousand homes, and burning hydrogen and burying the waste product — CO2 — underground.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Hydrogen Plane

Scientists send an experimental airplane fueled by hydrogen into the sky.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Hydrogen Power

Living on Earth’s Cynthia Graber reports on a technique to get hydrogen from wastewater at food production plants.