
In Britain, Growth of Urban Beekeeping May Be Hurting Bees


Britain has seen a boom in urban beekeeping in recent years. But some scientists question whether this growth is really helping bee populations.

Dumpster diving to live off America’s food waste

Global Politics

The Bells of St. Michael the Archangel: A Ringing Tradition Continues in England

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

The Future of Aquaria

The World

The Future of Aquaria

Almanac/Watching Fish

This week, we have facts about the first modern public aquarium. Back in 1853, the Marine and Fresh Water Vivarium opened its doors in London and the underwater world it displayed behind glass captured its visitors’ imaginations.

The World

High Tech Booty Hunt

When former President Clinton declassified the global positioning system, also known as GPS, it opened the door for citizen use of the satellite navigation network. As Ken Shulman reports, a new sport called geocaching has sent both outdoor enthusiasts and techno-geeks on treasure hunting adventures using handheld GPS devices.

The World


When former President Clinton declassified the global positioning system, also known as GPS, it opened the door for citizen use of the satellite navigation network. As Ken Shulman reports, a new sport called geocaching has sent both outdoor enthusiasts and techno-geeks on treasure hunting adventures using handheld GPS devices.

The World

Aquarium Poet


Jeffrey Yang spends a lot of time studying marine life. But he’s not a biologist working on the beach. He’s a poet who loves visiting his local aquarium. In his new book, An Aquarium, killer whales, eels, and fish become symbols of politics and mythology. Produced by Ari Daniel Shapiro.

The World

The plight of the honeybee


Hundreds of beekeepers, researchers and vendors are gathering in Huntington, W. Va., today for the Heartland Apiculture Society’s 7th annual bee conference. The buzz this year is the honeybee crisis. Since 2006, they have been disappearing en masse and the cause for the collapse remains unknown.