
Joel Ripka and Naomi Lorrain in “Behind the Sheet.”

Behind ‘Behind the Sheet’


Imagining the women who paid the price for a medical breakthrough.

Abortion in Ethiopia — Khadija's hands

Doctors in Ethiopia are looking past their religious beliefs on abortions to save lives


Northern Ireland sees first abortion clinic open

Health & Medicine

Undocumented immigrants in Texas blocked from abortion services by checkpoint

Global Politics

Several states pass new laws limiting abortions

Global Politics

Aborting girls increasingly common practice in India

As Indians become more prosperous and have access to technology that can tell them the sex of a fetus, they are increasingly choosing to abort girls.

Abortion and gay marriage new hot-button issues in Mexico

Since Mexico City has legalized both abortion and gay marriage, these have become politically-charged issues in Mexico.

To Avoid Planned Parenthood, Texas Launches State Women’s Health Program

In 2011, the Texas legislature voted to ban medical providers affiliated with organizations that perform abortions from participating in the state-run Women’s Health Program, even if the providers did not perform abortions themselves. At the time, the state’s Women’s Health Program received $9 in federal Medicaid funding for every $1 of state money, and the […]

Uruguay Lawmakers Legalize Abortion

Conflict & Justice

Roman Catholic Uruguay has voted to legalize all first trimester abortions. The BBC’s Vladimir Hernandez tells host Marco Werman about the restrictions on the new measure.

The World

Narrative Medicine

We visited a group of OB/GYN residents taking a narrative medicine class to see how embracing fiction can improve patient care.