
An artist’'s rendering of a full-scale commercial low-input desert agriculture facility. Project’s designers say the concept should work in any low-altitude desert area near a large source of salt water.

Desert lunch: Coaxing climate-friendly food from the world’s driest places


In Qatar, a team of visionaries has set out to prove that even in the world’s most inhospitable places, sunlight, salt water and CO2 can be transformed into energy, fresh water and food.

The Living on Earth Almanac

The World

Gargoyles, Belltowers, Bioshelter

Project BudBurst

The World

Biosphere 2 PLUS 15

The World

Citizen scientists work at the frontline of climate change research


A ‘citizen scientist’ network called Project BudBurst uses everyday observers to collect climate change data related to the leafing and flowering of flora across the U.S. Armed with a Web site and thousands of participants, the project notes early flowering trends and other anomalies, which one environmentalist says are a symptom of ‘global weirding.’