Ryan Green created the video game “That Dragon, Cancer” to tell the story of his son’s struggle with cancer — and cope with it himself. His son didn’t survive, but he hopes the game lives on and helps others understand how families deal with such tragedies.
The new movement calling itself #GamerGate claims it’s fighting political correctness in the gaming media. It accuses gaming reporters and reviewers of cronyism and collusion with game creators. But #GamerGate has become known for intense harassment and intimidation tactics.
Lilian Chen grew up playing video games in the back of her parent’s Chinese restaurant. She navigates between her life Chinese heritage at home and her American lifestyle at school. But it was in the world of gaming where Chen found home.
This isn’t your granddad’s gambling industry: As casinos spread and habits change, slot machines have become a massive part of casino profits — as much as 85 percent. They’re doing so partly by giving gamblers the illusion of winning, even when they’re falling behind.