
Fields of pata de guanaco flowers bloom across the Atacama Desert in northern Chile.

Chile tries to protect its ‘flowering desert’ from climate change, tourists


Parts of the Atacama Desert have turned into a blooming carpet of flowers — an incredible sight that only happens a couple of times every decade. To protect the phenomenon, Chile’s president has announced the creation of a new national park.

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Update: Study Finds Pesticides Dull Bees’ Sense of Smell

The World

Pollinating Insect Experiment

A golf course in Oregon has launched a unique project to install native flowering plants to help stem the decline of the wild insects that pollinate them. If successful, it could become a nationwide model for restoring the habitat of some of nature’s most important creatures. From our Northwest Bureau, Living On Earth’s Terry FitzPatrick […]

LOE Garden Spot on Winter Seed Starting

It’s the heart of winter, and Living On Earth’s resident gardening expert Michael Weishan says this is a good time to think about fresh flowers and vegetables by getting seeds going right now. And, he adds, it’s easier than you might think with his tips on starting your own plants from seed.

Bees’ Burden/Emerging Science Note

Recent research has found that air pollution is killing flowers’ smell, making it hard for bees to find food and spread pollen.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Orange Cauliflower

Researchers have found the genetic mutation responsible for the orange cauliflower’s color. They hope it will lead to more nutritious staple crops like corn, rice and potatoes.