fake news

Leonardo de Carvalho Leal and Mayara Stelle administer the Twitter account Sleeping Giants Brazil, a platform for activism whose stated mission is to attack the financing of hate speech and dissemination of fake news, Dec. 11, 2020.

Will Brazil’s ‘Fake News Bill’ regulate disinformation or stifle free speech?

Free speech

Brazil ranks third in the world for the most social media usage, following India and Indonesia. Now, a controversial, 3-year-old bill is weaving its way through Congress. It could regulate social media platforms in the same way as TV and radio. The “Fake News Bill” has staunch supporters, but some also accuse it of being a form of censorship.

Social media icons on a window

How social media has changed society

Science & Technology
a man with a cellphone and a face mask walks in front of a sign in Vietnamese discouraging the spread of misinformation.

How do you stop the spread of misinformation?

A midshot of President Vladimir Putin

Russia is trying to spread a viral disinformation campaign

Facebook Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg attends the annual Munich Security Conference in Germany, on Feb. 15, 2020.

Analysis: Facebook is undermining democracy

People look at a visualization on a wall

Don’t let your vote get stolen — 5 essential reads about disinformation in 2020


Who’s manipulating what you know before you vote?


‘Straight-up debunking’: How a fact-checker vets fake news

Social media

Facebook and others are stepping up to stop the spread of disinformation online in advance of Canada’s federal parliamentary elections.

donald trump and hillary clinton at a debate

Russian Twitter propaganda predicted 2016 US election polls


An analysis of social media troll activity during the 2016 election campaign shows that exposure to Russian propaganda may have helped change American minds in favor of Republican candidate Trump.

newspapers in peru

Competition for readers among Peru’s tabloids leads to more fake news

Arts, Culture & Media

Since fomer President Alan García’s death, there has been a flood of unverified death-bed photos, doctored audio and rumors published on social media and in tabloids.

A man in a blue shirt is in focus among a group as he looks at his cellphone.

WhatsApp tipline to fight fake news ‘too little, too late,’ Indian police chief says


Days away from voting booths opening for India’s national elections, fake news has become pervasive and deadly. Whatsapp is trying to combat this with their Checkpoint Tipline.